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Material flow: correct traceability in case of recalls

Which raw materials are used in what precise quantities in which finished product? You can see it at a glance. Quickly and efficiently. And therefore cost-saving.


Safe products and traceability are essential in, for example, the food industry (and moreover required by European regulations). Quality problems in finished products can lead to a recall, to protect your customers. But also your brand and image are at stake. A quick and professional recall of problematic products is of vital importance.

Our software tracks the movement of inventory and displays this information on any required location on the plant floor. It controls material movements in the plant, whether entered manually or through automated systems, and can print identification labels for all kind of handling units (pallets, boxes, etc.).


We guarantee you:

  • correct traceability in case of quality problems
  • a real-time inventory of all goods in stock, intermediate products and finished products
  • a perfect view on production losses (spill, losses, rejects)
Tree of material flow on laptop screen